Jamba C++ API  4.3.0
PluginAccessor< TGUIState > Class Template Reference

#include <PluginAccessor.h>

Inherits StateAware< TGUIState >.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from StateAware< TGUIState >
virtual void initState (GUIState *iGUIState)
 This method is called by Jamba automatically to initialize the state. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from StateAware< TGUIState >
TGUIState::PluginParameters const * fParams {}
 Gives direct access to parameters (ex: fParams->fBypassParam) More...
TGUIState * fState {}
 Gives access to the GUI state (ex: fState->fLabelA) More...

Detailed Description

template<typename TGUIState>
class pongasoft::VST::GUI::Views::PluginAccessor< TGUIState >

Since 4.0.0 - Use StateAware instead

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