Jamba  3.2.0
Todo List
Class pongasoft::Utils::Concurrent::LockFree::SingleElementStorage< T >
the implementation somehow assumes that T is a real type, not a primitive.. maybe there is a way to write a primitive version (if that becomes a necessity)
Member pongasoft::Utils::Range< T >::mapSubRange (Range< T > const &iSubRange, Range< U > const &iRange, bool iClampToRange=true) const
optimize by computing TLerp only once
Member pongasoft::VST::GUI::GUIState::readGUIState (IBStreamer &iStreamer)
handle multiple versions
Member pongasoft::VST::Message::getSerializableValue (IAttributeList::AttrID id, IParamSerializer< T > const &iSerializer, T &oValue) const
this line unnecessarily copies the data but there is no other API
Member pongasoft::VST::Parameters::fRTSaveStateOrder
Handle multiple versions with upgrade
Member pongasoft::VST::Parameters::readRTState (IBStreamer &iStreamer, NormalizedState *oNormalizedState) const
handle multiple versions